In this notebook we will generate C code and use CVode from the sundials suite to integrate the system of differential equations. Sundials is a well established and well tested open-source BSD-licensed library with excellent documentation. Here is the documentation for CVode.
We will use a thin Cython wrapper which calls the integration routine and returns the solution as a numpy vector and a dictionary, along with information about the integration.
import json
import numpy as np
from scipy2017codegen.odesys import ODEsys
from scipy2017codegen.chem import mk_rsys
Again, using the ODEsys
convenience class from notebook "35":
watrad_data = json.load(open('../scipy2017codegen/data/radiolysis_300_Gy_s.json'))
watrad = mk_rsys(ODEsys, **watrad_data)
tout = np.logspace(-6, 3, 200) # close to one hour of operation
c0 = {'H2O': 55.4e3, 'H+': 1e-4, 'OH-': 1e-4}
y0 = [c0.get(, 0) for symb in watrad.y]
%timeit yout, info = watrad.integrate_odeint(tout, y0)
that is still the benchmark to beat. Subclassing ODEsys
to have it render, compile and import the code:
# %load ../scipy2017codegen/
import os
import sys
import uuid
import sympy as sym
import setuptools
import numpy as np
import setuptools
import pyximport
from scipy2017codegen import templates
from scipy2017codegen.odesys import ODEsys
kw = {
'sources': [],
'include_dirs': [os.getcwd(), np.get_include()],
'libraries': ['sundials_cvode', 'sundials_nvecserial'],
'library_dirs': [],
'extra_compile_args': [],
'extra_link_args': []
osx = sys.platform.lower() == 'darwin'
win = == 'nt'
posix = == 'posix'
if not win:
kw['libraries'] += ['m']
if posix:
kw['libraries'] += ['openblas']
class ODEcvode(ODEsys):
default_integrator = 'cvode'
def setup(self):
self.uid = uuid.uuid4().hex[:10]
self.mod_name = 'ode_c_%s' % self.uid
idxs = list(range(len(self.f)))
subs = {s: sym.Symbol('y[%d]' % i) for i, s in enumerate(self.y)}
f_exprs = ['out[%d] = %s;' % (i, sym.ccode(self.f[i].xreplace(subs)))
for i in idxs]
j_col_defs = ['realtype * const col_%d = DENSE_COL(J, %d);' % (ci, ci)
for ci in idxs]
j_exprs = ['col_%d[%d] = %s;' % (ci, ri, self.j[ri, ci].xreplace(subs))
for ci in idxs for ri in idxs if self.j[ri, ci] != 0]
ctx = dict(
func = '\n '.join(f_exprs + ['return 0;']),
dense_jac = '\n '.join(j_col_defs + j_exprs + ['return 0;']),
band_jac = 'return -1;'
open('integrate_serial_%s.c' % self.uid, 'wt').write(templates.sundials['integrate_serial.c'] % ctx)
open('%s.pyx' % self.mod_name, 'wt').write(templates.sundials['_integrate_serial.pyx'] % {'uid': self.uid})
open('%s.pyxbld' % self.mod_name, 'wt').write(templates.pyxbld % kw)
self.mod = __import__(self.mod_name)
self.integrate_odeint = None
def integrate_cvode(self, tout, y0, params=(), rtol=1e-8, atol=1e-8, **kwargs):
return self.mod._integrate(np.asarray(tout, dtype=np.float64),
np.asarray(y0, dtype=np.float64),
np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(params, dtype=np.float64)),
abstol=np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(atol, dtype=np.float64)),
cvode_sys = mk_rsys(ODEcvode, **watrad_data)
%timeit cvode_sys.integrate(tout, y0)
Now we are getting close to optimal speed. There is no interaction with the Python interpreter during integration.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
Just to see that everything looks alright:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(14, 6))
cvode_sys.plot_result(tout, *cvode_sys.integrate(tout, y0), ax=ax)